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Ca_Mau_The promised land of investment

Investment attraction potential

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Golden Position

Is a coastal province. is the southernmost tip of Vietnam S-5329 KM²

Marine economy


Inexhaustible potential

  • Having 254 km of coastline and vast area of continent shelf
  • Ca Mau is one of important fishing grounds in the country and has the potential for off shore renewable energy development such as wind and solar power.

Development Orientation

  • To develop maritime economy while protecting environmental resources
  • To build dynamic urban centres, such as Ca Mau city, Nam Can and Song Doc, so as to create rollover effects among adjacent districts
  • To develop Song Doc into a maritime economic center of the province

Tourism potential

With over 95,463 ha of forest mainly cajuput and mangrove forest, which has been recognized by UNESCO as World Biosphere Reserves, Ca Mau calls for investment in tourism development, especially ecotourism. Besides, cultural tourism and craft village exploration tourism also have a unique appeal to a large number of visitors.

Current Economic Situation

Aquaculture Production

Main agriculture

The main agricultural area and production output

Main agriculture

Commerce and Services

Commerce - Services

Enterprise – Labor

Enterprise - Labor

Development Plan

General objectives by 2030

Development plan
  • Ca Mau becomes a well-developed province of the Mekong Delta.
  • Striving for an average economic growth rate of 7.5% per anum (GRDP) in the period 2021 – 2030
  • By 2030 the economy will be 2 – 2.5 times of that in 2020,; and GRDP per capita will reach over 146 million VND.
Tổng quan Cà Mau

Economic structure

Economic development

is a key economic sector
Turn tourism into an important economic sector
Building Ca Mau to become a seafood processing center in the Mekong Delta region


  • Strive for total seafood production in the period 2021 – 2025 to reach 3.3 million tons, by 2030 it will be 7.1 million tons, an average increase of 3% p.a
  • Seafood export turnover in the period 2021 – 2025 reaches 5.65 billion USD, in the period 2026 – 2030 reaches 7.0 billion USD.


  • Implementing the Sustainable Agricultural and Rural Development Strategy associated by means of restructuring the agricultural sector for the period 2021 – 2030, with a vision to 2050
  • Target by 2025:
    • GRDP growth rate of fishery, agriculture and forestry reaches an average of 5% per anum
    • Added value in agricultural sector grows at an average rate of 3.5% per anum
    • The growth rate of labor productivity in fishery, agriculture and forestry reaches 6.5 – 7% per anum.


  • Ca Mau becomes the renewable energy center of the Mekong Delta and the renewable energy export center of the country.
  • Promote investment in aquatic and forest product processing factory, fishery logistics service area and fishing ship repair workshop in Ngoc Hien district.
  • Develop industry sector according to the circular economic model, green economy, utilising advanced and environmentally friendly technologies, with priority set on investment into Hydrogen (H2) and Ammonia (NH3) and natural gas production; create a breakthrough in improving productivity, quality, and competitiveness of industrial products: Develop chemical industry suitable to the province’s conditions such as fertilizers, industrial gases, and basic chemicals.


  • Ca Mau develops sustainable tourism in a professional and modern direction associated with preserving and promoting cultural and historical values.
  • Focus on developing new tourist products and models of eco-tourism, marine tourism, and MICE tourism.
  • The tourism development goal by 2030 is that Ca Mau will form several tourist area and cluster. Priorities are set for Hon Da Bac relic tourist area project, Ca Mau Cape tourist area project aiming at being recognized as national tourist area, Dam Thi Tuong tourist area project, Ca Mau Cape National Park tourist area,…
  • Promote linkages and cooperation in tourism development with localities in the region, in the country and overseas.
  • Build and position and enhance Ca Mau tourism brand “Southernmost location – Discovery – Environment – Connection”, in which Ca Mau Cape National Tourist Area becomes one of the ecotourism centers offering nature exploration tourism in unique mangrove forest, and is an important destination of tourist routes of the Mekong Delta.

Trade and Services

Ca Mau trade development strategy for the period to 2030, vision to 2045:

  • The goal of developing the Ca Mau province trade network in the direction of civilization, modernity, rapid and sustainable growth
  • Period 2021 – 2030: The added value of trade in the province reaches an average growth rate of about 8 – 8.5%; By 2030, it will contribute about 11-13% to the province’s GRDP. Total retail sales of goods and consumer service revenue reach an average growth rate of 11-12%/year. Strive to reach over 40% of small and medium-sized enterprises operating in the commercial sector participating in trading floors. Large e-commerce at home and abroad
  • Innovate and diversify forms of trade promotion, coordinate and integrate trade promotion activities to develop the domestic market into consumer demand stimulation programs, connecting supply and demand of the province’s goods.
  • Develop agricultural wholesale markets in areas with concentrated production, people’s markets in communes and district centers, upgrade, renovate and build new markets in rural areas.
  • Develop and effectively exploit the system of supermarkets, shopping centers and markets in the province.
  • Develop a chain of convenience, specialized and general retail stores.

The infrastructure

Implementing the project to develop Ca Mau Cape area:

  • The road connecting the gas – electricity – fertilizer area to National Highway 1
  • Upgrading and expanding National Highway 1 section Ca Mau – Nam Can with an estimated length of 43 km, reach level III delta scale.
  • Upgrade and expand National Highway 63 section through Ca Mau province; upgrade and expand Ho Chi Minh route
  • Build coastal road section passing through the province
  • Build wharf Hon Khoai port (Hon Khoai island); construction of Ca Mau Airport.

Human resource development

  • Ca Mau aims to train human resources to directly serve production, business and services, improve creativity and adapt to the working environment in the context of international economic integration. and specializes in digital transformation in the 4.0 technology era./li>
  • Period 2023 – 2025: Enrollment and training for about 84,000 people, of which
    • 2,835 people at College
    • 855 people at intermediate level
    • 80,310 people at primary training and regular training
    • The rate of trained workers by the end of 2025 will reach 60%

investment environment


Commitment of local authorities

  • To be responsible for site clearance, good ground preparation for investors to quickly implement the project. At the same time, supporting investment in essential infrastructure such as roads, electrical systems, and fencing of industrial parks and projects.
  • To be ready to receive feedback from businesses and investors, promptly consider and settle difficulties of investors and enterprises.
  • Periodically organize direct contacts, meetings, and dialogues to support solving difficulties for businesses and investors.
  • Citizen satisfaction to public service ranked 3rd in Mekong Delta

Tax Incentive

Preferential corporate income tax policy


land policy

Land incentive policy


land policy

The Infrastructure


Infrastructure including transportation routes, financial services, telecommunications, electricity and water. industrial zones step by step invested synchronously. ensuring the requirements of investors and making better conditions for social-economic activities.

Convergence point of the region’s national traffic routes such as:

  • Highway 1
  • Highway 63
  • Phung Hiep Quan Lo Highway
  • Route of the Southern Coastal Corridor
  • Can Tho – Ca Mau Expressway
  • Ho Chi Minh route
  • Roads to district and commune centers
  • Ca Mau Airport
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Industrial Area

Khanh An
Industrial Park

Khanh An Industrial Park

1. Investment attraction fields:

Agricultural and seafood processing industries, mechanical industries, animal feed and fertilizer processing industries; electronics industry, textile, consumer goods production; forestry product processing industry; natural gas liquefaction industry, post-gas industry, construction materials production industry.

2. Investment attraction policy:

All investment projects in industrial parks in Ca Mau province are applied with investment incentive policies for the area with the highest incentive level in Vietnam depending on each specific investment project field. In addition, projects also receive other support from the province such as: Vocational training, labor introduction, technology transfer support, trade support, investment promotion, industrial promotion, and agricultural encouragement. countryside.

Sea Port

  • Ca Mau seaport cluster is in 5 priority seaport groups for development in the period 2021 – 2030.
  • Vision to 2050, Ca Mau seaport group will be the gateway port in the Mekong Delta region, meeting the demand for goods throughput with an average growth rate of 5.5 – 6.1%/year, operating The average customer growth rate is about 1.1 – 1.25%/year.
  • The Prime Minister has just issued Decision No. 1579/QD-TTg approving the master plan for developing Vietnam’s seaport system 2021-2030, with a vision to 2050. Ca Mau seaport cluster includes:
  1. Hon Khoai port (on Hon Khoai island, Ngoc Hien district), the goal is to become a general port with conditional development potential depending on the needs and capacity of investors.
  2. Nam Can port (Nam Can district, on Cua Lon river, section from Nam Can town to Bo De estuary): Can accommodate ships with a tonnage of up to 5,000 tons General port, bulk cargo, liquid cargo, gas and passenger wharf, serving socio-economic development of Ca Mau province.
  3. Song Doc Port (Tran Van Thoi district), receiving ships with a tonnage of up to 3,000 tons, directly serving Song Doc industrial park; There are general ports, bulk cargo, liquid cargo, gas and passenger ports.”

investment portfolio

Project in economic zone
0 projects
Agriculture sector
0 project
Transportation sector
0 projects
Transportation sector
0 projects
Commercial field
0 projects
Tourism sector
0 project
Commercial housing project
0 projects
Social housing project
0 projects
Other construction fields
0 projects

Support Services

Administrative procedures

  • Ensure publicity, transparency
  • One-stop shop mechanism
  • Shorten the time for handling administrative procedures

State management

  • To put the administrative procedure Center e-government in operation to reduce the procedures and processing time, helping people and businesses save time and costs.
  • Actively improve institutions, promote administrative reform, improve operational efficiency of the Center for handling administrative procedures, and the e-government system in management. Promote the work of improving the environment and administrative capacity, building transparent policies and effective procedures.
  • Pay special attention to resolving issues of site clearance, compensation and resettlement. The main purpose is to minimize business barriers and create favorable conditions for businesses and investors to work in the province.